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Finance is the language of

Get your finances in order. Now.

How banks think?
How money moves?

Over 20 years experience in banking, payments, tax and finance, Viktoria summarised all the answers - before you even ask the questions.

How banks think?
How money moves?

Over 20 years experience in banking, payments, tax and finance, Viktoria summarised all the answers - before you even ask the questions.

About Viktoria Soltesz

  • Founder and CEO of the independent payment and banking consultancy, the PSP Angels Group


  • 20+ years in banking, payments, tax, and finance




  • Established the Soltesz Institute, the leading, independent certification body for the payment and banking industry


  • Specialised in complex and challenging cases



Providing expert solutions for all challenges

Banking and payment consultancy

Education and Trainings

International fund movements & complex cases

Group structures

Accounting, internal and external audits

Global tax planning

Book launch

Moving money - How Banks Think 
Cyprus 2024

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